2024 Peysakhovich, Tetrick, Silva, Li, Zhu, Ibos, Johnston, Freedman. Primate superior colliculus is causally engaged in abstract higher-order cognition. Nature Neuroscience, 27:1999–2008.
2018 Freedman and Ibos. An integrative framework for sensory, motor, and cognitive functions of posterior parietal cortex. Neuron, 97: 1219-1234.
2017 Ibos. and Freedman. Sequential sensory and decision processing in posterior parietal cortex. eLife, 2017;6:e23743. 2017
2016 Ibos and Freedman. Interaction Between Spatial and Feature Attention in Posterior Parietal Cortex. Neuron, 91: 931-943.
2015 Astrand, Ibos, Duhamel, Ben Hamed. Differential dynamics of spatial attention, position, and color coding within the parietofrontal network Journal of Neuroscience 35 (7), 3174-3189
2014 Ibos, Freedman. Dynamic integration of task-relevant visual features in posterior parietal cortex Neuron 83 (6), 1468-1480
2014 Astrand, Enel, Ibos, Dominey, Baraduc, Ben Hamed. Comparison of classifiers for decoding sensory and cognitive information from prefrontal neuronal populations. PloS one 9 (1), e86314
2013 Ibos, Duhamel, Ben Hamed. A functional hierarchy within the parietofrontal network in stimulus selection and attention control. Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19), 8359-8369
2011 Kia, Åstrand, Ibos, Ben Hamed. Readout of the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of a stimulus from un-experienced neuronal activities: towards cognitive neuroprostheses
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2009 Ibos, Duhamel, Ben Hamed. The spatial and temporal deployment of voluntary attention across the visual field PLoS One 4 (8), e6716
2006 Wardak, Ibos, Duhamel, Olivier Contribution of the monkey frontal eye field to covert visual attention Journal of Neuroscience 26 (16), 4228-4235